Рефераты. Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system


End Function

Private Sub scan_3 () '*****************************************

Dim r As Integer

For r = 0 To 7

If Test_Result (r) = 3 Then

Temp = True

End If

Next r

End Sub

Private Sub EvalNextMove () '***********************************



Debug. Print "Squares Left Value on Evaluate Next Move " & Sq_Left

Debug. Print "Boolean Temp Value on Evaluate " & Temp

Debug. Print "Token Value on Eval." & Token

If Temp = True Then

If Sq_Left Mod 2 = 0 Then 'Makes win or lose calls Turn checking is made later

Player_Wins 'call player wins routine


Computer_Wins 'calls computer rountine

End If

End If

Temp = False

If Sq_Left <= 0 Then


Begin = False 'Turns off mark routine

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then 'sets turn to true

MyTurn = True

Debug. Print "Set myturn to true on win"

End If

End If

first_turn = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Computer_Wins ()

Dim s As Integer

For s = 0 To 8

Layer_A (s). Enabled = False

Next s

Begin = True

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then

If sw = True Then 'Checks for Whos Turn and update Host or client

Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & " Won!"

opponentsscore = opponentsscore + 1


Out_Box. Caption = profilename & " Won!"

profilenamescore = profilenamescore + 1

End If

End If

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "client" Then

If sw = True Then

Out_Box. Caption = profilename & " Won!"

profilenamescore = profilenamescore + 1


Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & " Won!"

opponentsscore = opponentsscore + 1

End If

End If

If multiplayermode = False Then 'Single Player updating

If sw = True Then

Out_Box. Caption = "O Won!!!!"


Out_Box. Caption = "X Won!!!!!"

End If

End If

Game_Over. Caption = "Game Over"

'Shows Resart Option if Host

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then

restart. Visible = True

restart. Enabled = True

End If

Timer4. Enabled = True 'Sets timer to time mark routine

If sw = True Then 'Checks Whos turn sends string to mark

Call Mark_Win ("O")


Call Mark_Win ("X")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Player_Wins ()

'See computer wins for details

Dim a As Integer

For a = 0 To 8

Layer_A (a). Enabled = False

Next a

Begin = True

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then

If sw = True Then

profilenamescore = profilenamescore + 1

Out_Box. Caption = profilename & " Won!"


opponentsscore = opponentsscore + 1

Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & " Won!"

End If

End If

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "client" Then

If sw = True Then

opponentsscore = opponentsscore + 1

Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & " Won!"


profilenamescore = profilenamescore + 1

Out_Box. Caption = profilename & " Won!"

End If

End If

If multiplayermode = False Then

If sw = True Then

Out_Box. Caption = "X Won!!!!"


Out_Box. Caption = "O Won!!!!!"

End If

End If

Game_Over. Caption = "Game Over"

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then

restart. Visible = True

restart. Enabled = True

End If

Timer4. Enabled = True

If sw = True Then

Call Mark_Win ("X")


Call Mark_Win ("O")

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Mark_Win (tr As String) 'Marks winning squares

Dim PauseTime, start, Finish, TotalTime

While Begin = True

PauseTime = 0.3 ' Set duration.

start = Timer ' Set start time.

Do While Timer < start + PauseTime And Begin = True

For n1 = 0 To 2

mark = Win (n1)

Layer_A (mark). Caption = tr

Layer_A (mark). FontBold = False

Next n1

DoEvents ' Yield to other processes.


start = Timer ' Set start time.

Do While Timer < start + PauseTime And Begin = True

For n1 = 0 To 2

mark = Win (n1)

Layer_A (mark). FontBold = True

Layer_A (mark). Caption = tr

Next n1

DoEvents ' Yield to other processes.



End Sub

Private Sub test () 'Tests conditions for the win

Dim n, k, sample As Integer

sample = 0

For n = 0 To 2

Test_Result (sample) = a (3 * n) + a (3 * n + 1) + a (3 * n + 2)

If Test_Result (sample) = 3 Then

Win (0) = 3 * n

Win (1) = 3 * n + 1

Win (2) = 3 * n + 2

End If

sample = sample + 1

Next n

For n = 0 To 2

Test_Result (sample) = a (n) + a (n + 3) + a (n + 6)

If Test_Result (sample) = 3 Then

Win (0) = n

Win (1) = n + 3

Win (2) = n + 6

End If

sample = sample + 1

Next n

Test_Result (sample) = a (0) + a (4) + a (8)

If Test_Result (sample) = 3 Then

Win (0) = 0

Win (1) = 4

Win (2) = 8

End If

sample = sample + 1

Test_Result (sample) = a (6) + a (4) + a (2)

If Test_Result (sample) = 3 Then

Win (0) = 6

Win (1) = 4

Win (2) = 2

End If

sample = sample + 1

End Sub

Private Sub LoadPlayer ()

Dim e As Integer

For e = 0 To 8

a (e) = Player_A (e)

Next e

End Sub

Private Sub LoadComputer ()

Dim w As Integer

For w = 0 To 8

a (w) = Computer_A (w)

Next w

End Sub

Private Sub Cats_Game () 'Cats Game display routine

GameUnderway = False

Dim z As Integer

For z = 0 To 8

Layer_A (z). Enabled = False

Next z

Out_Box. Caption = "Cat's Game!"

Game_Over. Caption = "Game Over"

If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then

restart. Visible = True

restart. Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub mnuchat_Click () 'Menu button for chatbox routine

On Error GoTo NoChat 'error handler in case chat initialization problem.

If mnuchat. Checked = True Then

Frame1. Visible = False

chatlabel. Visible = False

send_chat. Visible = False

chatbox. Visible = False

mnuchat. Checked = False

'Packs and sends DXplay message to switch chat on off

Dim chaton As DirectPlayMessage

Set chaton = dxplay. CreateMessage

Call chaton. WriteLong (MSG_CHAT_ON)

Call dxplay. Send (MyPlayer, DPID_ALLPLAYERS, DPSEND_GUARANTEED, chaton)


Frame1. Visible = True

chatlabel. Visible = True

send_chat. Visible = True

chatbox. Visible = True

mnuchat. Checked = True

chatbox. Visible = True

chatbox. SetFocus

'Packs and sends DXplay message to switch chat on off

Dim chaton2 As DirectPlayMessage

Set chaton2 = dxplay. CreateMessage

Call chaton2. WriteLong (MSG_CHAT_ON)

Call dxplay. Send (MyPlayer, DPID_ALLPLAYERS, DPSEND_GUARANTEED, chaton2)

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Could Not Start Chat", vbOKOnly, "Oops"

Exit Sub

End Sub

Public Function chatswitch () 'Menu button for incoming online Chatbox routine

On Error GoTo NoChat

If mnuchat. Checked = True Then

Frame1. Visible = False

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