Рефераты. Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system

Private Function updatedisplay ()

label7. Visible = True

gameopen. FontUnderline = False

gameopen. ForeColor = vbBlue

host. Enabled = False

join. Enabled = False

Dim Y As Byte

Y = 0

For Y = 0 To 2 Step 1

lantype (Y). Enabled = False

Next Y

End Function

Option Explicit

Dim a (9) As Integer

Dim Player_A (9) As Integer 'Initialize X array

Dim Computer_A (9) As Integer 'Initialize O array

Dim Test_Result (8) As Integer

Dim Win (3) As Integer ' Spots won to marked

Dim m, Token, first_turn, temp1 As Integer

Dim Temp As Boolean 'check whether player won

Dim Sq_Left, n1, mark As Integer

Dim tr As String 'string passed on win to mark routine

Dim Begin As Boolean 'continue winning spots flashing

Dim sw As Boolean 'Sets whether X or O starts game

Public Sub Initialize ()

' select who's turn

If usermode = "host" And multiplayermode = True Then

' set o or x first

If sw = True Then

MyTurn = True


MyTurn = False

End If

End If

If multiplayermode = False Then

MyTurn = True

End If

Begin = False ' cancel marking routine

score = score + 1 'adds one to gamecount

If multiplayermode = True Then

If usermode = "client" And sw = True Then

MyTurn = False

ElseIf usermode = "client" And sw = False Then

MyTurn = True

End If

End If

'Start SW true mode**********************************

'initialize game settings

If sw = True Then

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized" & " X's Turn"

Debug. Print "Turn Status " & MyTurn

Debug. Print "SW Value is " & sw

Dim u As Integer

u = 0

Sq_Left = 9

Token = 10

For u = 0 To 8

Layer_A (u). MousePointer = vbCustom

'select starting icon and characteristics****************************

If usermode = "host" Then

Layer_A (u). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("x", vbResIcon)


Layer_A (u). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("nyt", vbResIcon)

End If

Layer_A (u). FontSize = 28

Layer_A (u). FontBold = True

Layer_A (u). Caption = ""

Layer_A (u). BackStyle = 0

Layer_A (u). Alignment = 2

Player_A (u) = 0

Computer_A (u) = 0

Layer_A (u). Enabled = True

Next u

'update statusbar and display routine******************************

If usermode = "host" And multiplayermode = True Then

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized " & profilename & "'s Turn"

Out_Box. Caption = profilename & "'s Turn."

End If

If usermode = "client" And multiplayermode = True Then

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized " & opponentsname & "'s Turn"

Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & "'s Turn."

End If

If multiplayermode = False Then

Out_Box. Caption = "X Goes First"

End If

End If

'End sw true*********************************************

'set starting icon*****************

If sw = False Then

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized" & " O's Turn"

Debug. Print "Turn Status " & MyTurn

Debug. Print "SW Value is " & sw

u = 0

Sq_Left = 9

Token = 10

For u = 0 To 8

Layer_A (u). MousePointer = vbCustom

If usermode = "host" And multiplayermode = True Then

Layer_A (u). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("nyt", vbResIcon)


Layer_A (u). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("o", vbResIcon)

End If

Layer_A (u). FontSize = 28

Layer_A (u). FontBold = True

Layer_A (u). Caption = ""

Layer_A (u). BackStyle = 0

Layer_A (u). Alignment = 2

Player_A (u) = 0

Computer_A (u) = 0

Layer_A (u). Enabled = True

Next u

Temp = False 'initiate no win

'Update Statusbar and outbox display********************8

If usermode = "client" And multiplayermode = True Then

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized " & profilename & "'s Turn"

Out_Box. Caption = profilename & " 's Turn."

End If

If usermode = "host" And multiplayermode = True Then

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized " & opponentsname & "'s Turn"

Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & " 's Turn."

End If

If multiplayermode = False Then

Out_Box. Caption = "O Goes First"

End If

End If

'End sw false*********************************************

Debug. Print "Ran Initialization Myturn status is " & MyTurn

Game_Over. Caption = "New Game"

End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click ()

If onconnect = True Then 'checks for connection

On Error GoTo NoDx 'error to handle dxplay not initialized

Dim dpmsg As DirectPlayMessage

Set dpmsg = dxplay. CreateMessage

Call dpmsg. WriteLong (MSG_STOP) 'Sends player quit message to other player

Call dxplay. Send (MyPlayer, DPID_ALLPLAYERS, DPSEND_GUARANTEED, dpmsg)

Call CloseDownDPlay 'shuts down dxplay

End If

Unload Connect 'unloads connect form if connect frees memory

Unload MainBoard 'unloads board before ending to free memory



MsgBox "Could not stop DXPlay. ", vbOKOnly, "System"


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load ()

On Error GoTo NoLoad 'Handles errors in case form won't load

MainBoard. Icon = LoadResPicture ("ictac", vbResIcon) 'form icon

restart. Visible = False 'restart button not seen on single player or client mode

mnudisconnect. Enabled = False 'set menu item to no connect state

onconnect = False 'Sets connection status to false by default

sw = True 'set starting Player to x

x. Checked = True 'set menuitem X to x checked

multiplayermode = False 'initiate mode to false

Call deinitialize 'disables all squares until gamemode and multiplayer mode is decided

score = 0 'sets game count to 0

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Could Not Load Form", vbOKOnly, "Quitting"


End Sub

Private Sub deinitialize ()

'Disables all squares until game selection is made

Dim m As Integer

For m = 0 To 8

Layer_A (m). MousePointer = vbCustom

If sw = True Then 'sets mouse pointer to x for x first

Layer_A (m). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("x", vbResIcon)

Else 'sets mouse pointer to O for O first

Layer_A (m). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("o", vbResIcon)

End If

Layer_A (m). FontSize = 28

Layer_A (m). FontBold = True

Layer_A (m). Caption = ""

Layer_A (m). BackStyle = 0

Layer_A (m). Alignment = 2

Layer_A (m). Enabled = False

Next m

'Update Status Bar

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "Select Game - New Game or Multiplayer option to start game"

Out_Box. Caption = "Start New Game."

End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload (Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)

If onconnect = True Then

On Error GoTo NoDx

Dim dpmsg As DirectPlayMessage

Set dpmsg = dxplay. CreateMessage

Call dpmsg. WriteLong (MSG_STOP)

Call dxplay. Send (MyPlayer, DPID_ALLPLAYERS, DPSEND_GUARANTEED, dpmsg)

Call CloseDownDPlay

End If

Unload Connect

Unload MainBoard



MsgBox "Could not stop DXPlay. ", vbOKOnly, "System"


End Sub

Private Sub hostagame_Click ()

usermode = "host" 'Sets usermode to host

Connect. Show 'starts connect form

MainBoard. Enabled = False 'disable form so user cannot select while connect form is up

hostagame. Enabled = False 'disables menu host button.

joinagame. Enabled = False ' disables menu join button

multiplayermode = True 'sets multiplayer to true

End Sub

Private Sub joinagame_Click ()

usermode = "client" 'Sets usermode to client

Connect. Show

MainBoard. Enabled = False

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