as elsewhere, is still rather common even in some large cities, as well as
in remote country areas.
In The Netherlands, departments of general practice are administered by
general practitioners in all the medical schools—an exceptional state of
affairs—and general practice flourishes. In the larger cities of Denmark,
general practice on an individual basis is usual and popular, because the
physician works only during office hours. In addition, there is a duty
doctor service for nights and weekends. In the cities of Sweden, primary
care is given by specialists. In the remote regions of northern Sweden,
district doctors act as general practitioners to patients spread over huge
areas; the district doctors delegate much of their home visiting to nurses.
In France there are still general practitioners, but their number is
declining. Many medical practitioners advertise themselves directly to the
public as specialists in internal medicine, ophthalmologists,
gynecologists, and other kinds of specialists. Even when patients have a
general practitioner, they may still go directly to a specialist. Attempts
to stem the decline in general practice are being made hy the development
of group practice and of small rural hospitals equipped to deal with less
serious illnesses, where general practitioners can look after their
Although Israel has a high ratio of physicians to population, there is a
shortage of general practitioners, and only in rural areas is general
practice common. In the towns many people go directly to pediatricians,
gynecologists, and other specialists, but there has been a reaction against
this direct access to the specialist. More general practitioners have been
trained, and the Israel Medical Association has recommended that no patient
should be referred to a specialist except by the family physician or on
instructions given by the family nurse. At Tel Aviv University there is a
department of family medicine. In some newly developing areas, where the
doctor shortage is greatest, there are medical centres at which all
patients are initially interviewed by a nurse. The nurse may deal with many
minor ailments, thus freeing the physician to treat the more seriously ill.
Nearly half the medical doctors in Australia are general practitioners—a
far higher proportion than in most other advanced countries—though, as
elsewhere, their numbers are declining. They tend to do far more for their
patients than in Britain, many performing such operations as removal of the
appendix, gallbladder, or uterus, operations that elsewhere would be
carried out by a specialist surgeon. Group practices are common.
China. Health services in China since the Cultural Revolution have been
characterized by decentralization and dependence on personnel chosen
locally and trained for short periods. Emphasis is given to selfless
motivation, self-reliance, and to the involvement of everyone in the
community. Campaigns stressing the importance of preventive measures and
their implementation have served to create new social attitudes as well as
to break down divisions between different categories of health workers.
Health care is regarded as a local matter that should not require the
intervention of any higher authority; it is based upon a highly organized
and well-disciplined system that is egalitarian rather than hierarchical,
as in Western societies, and which is well suited to the rural areas where
about two-thirds of the population live. In the large and crowded cities an
important constituent of the health-care system is the residents'
committees, each for a population of 1,000 to 5,000 people. Care is
provided by part-time personnel with periodic visits by a doctor. A number
of residents' committees are grouped together into neighbourhoods of some
50,000 people where there are clinics and general hospitals staffed by
doctors as well as health auxiliaries trained in both traditional and
Westernized medicine. Specialized care is provided at the district level
(over 100,000 people), in district hospitals and in epidemic and preventive
medicine centres. In many rural districts people's communes have organized
cooperative medical services that provide primary care for a small annual
Throughout China the value of traditional medicine is stressed, especially
in the rural areas. All medical schools are encouraged to teach traditional
medicine as part of their curriculum, and efforts are made to link colleges
of Chinese medicine with Western-type medical schools. Medical education is
of shorter duration than it is in Europe, and there is greater emphasis on
practical work. Students spend part of their time away from the medical
school working in factories or in communes; they are encouraged to question
what they are taught and to participate in the educational process at all
stages. One well-known form of traditional medicine is acupuncture, which
is used as a therapeutic and pain-relieving technique; requiring the
insertion of brass-handled needles at various points on the body,
acupuncture has become quite prominent as a form of anesthesia.
The vast number of nonmedically qualified health staff, upon whom the
health-care system greatly depends, includes both full-time and part-time
workers. The latter include so-called barefoot doctors, who work mainly in
rural areas, worker doctors in factories, and medical workers in
residential communities. None of these groups is medically qualified. They
have had only a three-month period of formal training, part of which is
done in a hospital, fairly evenly divided between theoretical and practical
work. This is followed by a varying period of on-the-job experience under
India. Ayurvedic medicine is an example of a well-organized system of
traditional health care, both preventive and curative, that is widely
practiced in parts of Asia. Ayurvedic medicine has a long tradition behind
it, having originated in India perhaps as long as 3.000 years ago. It is
still a favoured form of health care in large parts of the Eastern world,
especially in India, where a large percentage of the population use this
system exclusively or combined with modern medicine. The Indian Medical
Council was set up in 1971 by the Indian government to establish
maintenance of standards for undergraduate and postgraduate education. It
establishes suitable qualifications in Indian medicine and recognizes
various forms of traditional practice including Ayurvedic. Unani. and
Siddha. Projects have been undertaken to integrate the indigenous Indian
and Western forms of medicine. Most Ayurvedic practitioners work in rural
areas, providing health care to at least 500,000.000 people in India alone.
They therefore represent a major force for primary health care, and their
training and deployment are important to the government of India.
Like scientific medicine, Ayurvedic medicine has both preventive and
curative aspects. The preventive component emphasizes the need for a strict
code of personal and social hygiene, the details of which depend upon
individual, climatic, and environmental needs. Rodilv exercises, the use of
herbal preparations, and Yoga form a part of the remedial measures. The
curative aspects of Avurvcdic medicine involves the use of herbal
medicines, 'external preparations, physiotherapy, and diet. It is a
principle of Ayurvedic medicini. that the preventive and therapeutic
measures be adapted to the personal requirements of each patient.
Other developing countries. A main goal of the World Health Organization
(WHO), as expressed in the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978, is to provide to
all the citizens of the world a level of health that will allow them to
lead socially and economically productive lives by the year 2000. By the
late 1980s, however, vast disparities in health care still existed between
the rich and poor countries of the world. In developing countries such as
Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, and Mozambique, for instance, governments in the
late 1980s spent less than $5 per person per year on public health, while
in most western European countries several hundred dollars per year was
spent on each person. The disproportion of the number of physicians
available between developing and developed countries is similarly wide.
Along with the shortage of physicians, there is a shortage of everything
else needed to provide medical care—of equipment, drugs, and suitable
buildings, and of nurses, technicians, and all other grades of staff, whose
presence is taken for granted in the affluent societies. Yet there are
greater percentages of sick in the poor countries than in the rich
countries. In the poor countries a high proportion of people are young, and
all are liable to many infections, including tuberculosis, syphilis,
typhon). and cholera (which, with the possible exception of syphilis, are
now rare in the rich countries), and also malaria, yaws. worm infestations,
and many other conditions occurring primarily in the warmer climates.
Nearly all of these infections respond to the antibiotics and other drugs
that have been discovered since the 1920s. There is also much malnutrition
and anemia, which can be cured if funding is available. There is a
prevalence of disorders remediable by surgery. Preventive medicine can
ensure clean water supplies, destroy insects that carry infections, teach
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