Рефераты. Audio recorder on visual basic

Audio recorder on visual basic




Dushanbe, 2009

Main Interface

Source Code

Option Explicit

'Copyright: E. de Vries

'e-mail: eeltje@geocities.com

'This code can be used as freeware

Const AppName = "AudioRecorder"

Private Sub cmdSave_Click ()

Dim sName As String

If WaveMidiFileName = "" Then

sName = "Radio_from_" & CStr (WaveRecordingStartTime) & "_to_" & CStr (WaveRecordingStopTime)

sName = Replace (sName, ": ", "-")

sName = Replace (sName, " ", "_")

sName = Replace (sName, "/", "-")


sName = WaveMidiFileName

sName = Replace (sName, "MID", "wav")

End If

CommonDialog1. FileName = sName

CommonDialog1. CancelError = True

On Error GoTo ErrHandler1

CommonDialog1. Filter = "WAV file (*. wav*) |*. wav"

CommonDialog1. Flags = &H2 Or &H400

CommonDialog1. ShowSave

sName = CommonDialog1. FileName

WaveSaveAs (sName)

Exit Sub


End Sub

Private Sub cmdRecord_Click ()

Dim settings As String

Dim Alignment As Integer

Alignment = Channels * Resolution / 8

settings = "set capture alignment " & CStr (Alignment) & " bitspersample " & CStr (Resolution) & " samplespersec " & CStr (Rate) & " channels " & CStr (Channels) & " bytespersec " & CStr (Alignment * Rate)




WaveRecordingStartTime = Now

cmdStop. Enabled = True 'Enable the STOP BUTTON

cmdPlay. Enabled = False 'Disable the "PLAY" button

cmdSave. Enabled = False 'Disable the "SAVE AS" button

cmdRecord. Enabled = False 'Disable the "RECORD" button

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSettings_Click ()

Dim strWhat As String

' show the user entry form modally

strWhat = MsgBox ("If you continue your data will be lost!", vbOKCancel)

If strWhat = vbCancel Then

Exit Sub

End If

Slider1. Max = 10

Slider1. Value = 0

Slider1. Refresh

cmdRecord. Enabled = True

cmdStop. Enabled = False

cmdPlay. Enabled = False

cmdSave. Enabled = False


Rate = CLng (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Rate", "110025"))

Channels = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Channels", "1"))

Resolution = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Resolution", "16"))

WaveFileName = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveFileName", "C: \Radio. wav")

WaveAutomaticSave = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveAutomaticSave", "True")

WaveRecordingImmediate = True

WaveRecordingReady = False

WaveRecording = False

WavePlaying = False

'Be sure to change the Value property of the appropriate button!!

'if you change the default values!


frmSettings. optRecordImmediate. Value = True

frmSettings. Show vbModal

End Sub

Private Sub cmdStop_Click ()


cmdSave. Enabled = True 'Enable the "SAVE AS" button

cmdPlay. Enabled = True 'Enable the "PLAY" button

cmdStop. Enabled = False 'Disable the "STOP" button

If WavePosition = 0 Then

Slider1. Max = 10


If WaveRecordingImmediate And (Not WavePlaying) Then Slider1. Max = WavePosition

If (Not WaveRecordingImmediate) And WaveRecording Then Slider1. Max = WavePosition

End If

If WaveRecording Then WaveRecordingReady = True

WaveRecordingStopTime = Now

WaveRecording = False

WavePlaying = False

frmSettings. optRecordProgrammed. Value = False

frmSettings. optRecordImmediate. Value = True

frmSettings. lblTimes. Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub cmdPlay_Click ()

WavePlayFrom (Slider1. Value)

WavePlaying = True

cmdStop. Enabled = True

cmdPlay. Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub cmdWeb_Click ()

Dim ret&

ret& = ShellExecute (Me. hwnd, "Open", "http://home. wxs. nl/~eeltjevr/", "", App. Path,


End Sub

Private Sub cmdReset_Click ()

Slider1. Max = 10

Slider1. Value = 0

Slider1. Refresh

cmdRecord. Enabled = True

cmdStop. Enabled = False

cmdPlay. Enabled = False

cmdSave. Enabled = False


Rate = CLng (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Rate", "110025"))

Channels = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Channels", "1"))

Resolution = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Resolution", "16"))

WaveFileName = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveFileName", "C: \Radio. wav")

WaveAutomaticSave = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveAutomaticSave", "True")

WaveRecordingImmediate = True

WaveRecordingReady = False

WaveRecording = False

WavePlaying = False

WaveMidiFileName = ""

'Be sure to change the Value property of the appropriate button!!

'if you change the default values!


If WaveRenameNecessary Then

Name WaveShortFileName As WaveLongFileName

WaveRenameNecessary = False

WaveShortFileName = ""

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load ()


Rate = CLng (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Rate", "110025"))

Channels = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Channels", "1"))

Resolution = CInt (GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Resolution", "16"))

WaveFileName = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveFileName", "C: \Radio. wav")

WaveAutomaticSave = GetSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveAutomaticSave", "True")

WaveRecordingImmediate = True

WaveRecordingReady = False

WaveRecording = False

WavePlaying = False

'Be sure to change the Value property of the appropriate button!!

'if you change the default values!


WaveRecordingStartTime = Now + TimeSerial (0, 15, 0)

WaveRecordingStopTime = WaveRecordingStartTime + TimeSerial (0, 15, 0)

WaveMidiFileName = ""

WaveRenameNecessary = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)


Call SaveSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Rate", CStr (Rate))

Call SaveSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Channels", CStr (Channels))

Call SaveSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "Resolution", CStr (Resolution))

Call SaveSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveFileName", WaveFileName)

Call SaveSetting ("AudioRecorder", "StartUp", "WaveAutomaticSave", CStr (WaveAutomaticSave))

If WaveRenameNecessary Then

Name WaveShortFileName As WaveLongFileName

WaveRenameNecessary = False

WaveShortFileName = ""

End If


End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer ()

Dim RecordingTimes As String

Dim msg As String

RecordingTimes = "Start time: " & WaveRecordingStartTime & vbCrLf _

& "Stop time: " & WaveRecordingStopTime


If Not WaveRecordingImmediate Then

WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & "Programmed recording"

If WaveAutomaticSave Then

WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & " (automatic save)"


WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & " (manual save)"

End If

WaveStatisticsMsg = WaveStatisticsMsg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & RecordingTimes

End If

StatisticsLabel. Caption = WaveStatisticsMsg


If WaveStatusMsg <> AudioRecorder. Caption Then AudioRecorder. Caption = WaveStatusMsg

If InStr (AudioRecorder. Caption, "stopped") > 0 Then

cmdStop. Enabled = False

cmdPlay. Enabled = True

End If

If RecordingTimes <> frmSettings. lblTimes. Caption Then frmSettings. lblTimes. Caption = RecordingTimes

If (Now > WaveRecordingStartTime) _

And (Not WaveRecordingReady) _

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